

The Fearful Dog—Part 2

The Fearful Dog—Part 2

May 24, 2017

You own a fearful dog. You need to build trust with the dog and help the dog to feel safe. Let’s get started. First, don’t dwell on your dog’s negative…

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The Fearful Dog—Part 1

The Fearful Dog—Part 1

May 17, 2017

Why are some dogs social butterflies and others afraid of their own shadows? Why do some dogs get excited when they see a new person and others shake and hide…

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Caring for Your Elderly Canine

Caring for Your Elderly Canine

May 10, 2017

It is never easy watching your beloved canine companion grow old. First, their muzzle shows a touch of gray, then you notice they don’t carry themselves with that extra pep…

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black and brown dog looking directly in to camera

Eye Contact and Involvement

April 28, 2017

Direct eye contact is viewed as a threat in the canines’ body language. When two dogs greet, if one makes direct eye contact, hopefully the second dog will look away…

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Glossary of Dog Training Terms

Glossary of Dog Training Terms

March 7, 2017

Are you about to start training your dog, or enroll your pet in a professional trainer’s class? The following dog training terms are commonly encountered, and to give you a…

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Practice Being a Good Leader to Your Dog

Practice Being a Good Leader to Your Dog

February 22, 2017

What does it mean to be a good leader to your dog? Does it mean that you physically dominate your dog or teach your dog to do what you say…

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Training Your Puppy Before He Trains You

Training Your Puppy Before He Trains You

February 7, 2017

Our puppy is now three months old and tonight we start a Basic Puppy Class. I can’t wait! We’ve made great strides as far as house training is concerned. If…

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How to Make Progress in Puppy Training

How to Make Progress in Puppy Training

January 27, 2017

Our puppy has been with us for a couple weeks now. Some things are going better than others, although at this moment I can’t think of one positive thing. He…

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Preparing to Bring Home a New Puppy

Preparing to Bring Home a New Puppy

January 12, 2017
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I didn’t think it would be this hard. Tomorrow I bring my new four-legged friend home. Today’s goal is to get everything I need so that I’m prepared. It’s been…

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